About Nakshatra

Why are we here for you?

Technology has revolutionized the way people seek and access information. Searching for health related information, even trying to diagnosing and finding out treatments has become normal. Even though our society has progressed very much, some topics are still considered uncomfortable to be discussed with friends, relatives and parents, especially anything related to sex and sexual health. This leads a person to either search answers for their questions or find solutions for their problems online as it provides them ‘anonymity’. Even though there is loads of information available just a click away, the questions are whether a non-medical person will be able distinguish authentic information from non-facts and false claims? How will a non-medical person be able to assess, diagnose and find best treatment that a medical professional is trained to?.

Who we are?

We are a group of dedicated doctors with decades of experience in treating sexually transmitted infections, aiming to provide high quality health services which includes treatment for sexual health problems and Sexually Transmitted infections. Our network of Sexual Health and STI services is provided under the banner of Nakshatra Plus Clinics. Our allied services would be provided by qualified Dermatologist, Psychiatrist , Gynaecologist, General surgeons and Urologist. Our Nakshatra Plus team doctors would assure to provide authentic scientific information and necessary guidance for treatment.